Bunny Clark Deep Sea Fishing


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Deep Sea Fishing Maine

The F/V Bunny Clark (edited May 16, 2014)
Map, Directions & Location (Edited Feb 1, 2007)
Captains & Crew (Revised Feb 1, 2007)
2024 Season Reservations, Rules & Info. (Revised Jan 10, 2024)
2024 Season Schedule & Rates (Revised Jan 10, 2024)
Fishing Update (edited on Saturday, September 7, 2024, 0500 EDT)
Bunny Clark Guestletters (New Guestletter added Jan. 5, 2024)
Bunny Clark World & State Records List (Edited January 20, 2019)
"Tim Reidsema, Lee Dykas, Jason Ridolfi & Dennis Pietro" Photo Gallery (May 20, 2006)
Short Bunny Clark Fishing Videos(New Mar 6, 1997)
2010 Moon Phases (Revised Jan 30, 2010)
The New England Herring Problem (Who is taking our baitfish?)
Federal, State & Private Fishery Regs & Links
Favorite Bunny Clark Weather Links
Current Month Tide Chart for Ogunquit
2007 Accommodations & Services In Ogunquit Area

We took our last overnighter for the season on July 23, 2024. Nick named the SOFT (Special Offshore Fishing Trip), the acronym has only been used for the last several years as I only invented the trip just a short time ago. Before then, any trip that took in two days was always called an Ultra Marathon. I started those many years ago as an invitational for a core of excellent anglers who fished with me on a regular basis. The SOFT, also an invitational, was invented to take care of the rest of the regular patrons. Not such a high powered trip, it was meant to cover areas where I liked to fish when I couldn't get offshore far enough during the regular marathon trips. And like all the big trips, it was meant to put anglers over fish that are unusual to see further inshore. On this year's SOFT, we, again, caught some great fish. The highlight was fighting a bluefin tuna for over an hour only to lose it close enough to see it, having five halibut hooked and landing one that weighed 95.5 pounds and seeing the two largest wolffish of the Bunny Clark season so far. The 95.5 pound halibut, too, is the largest halibut we have boated this season as of August 29, 2024. Pictured right, the halibut can be seen with the angler who caught it, Dave Burton (MA - right in white) and deck hand, Kai Rosenberg, holding the fish for the picture. (We might have had two larger halibut that day but the anglers who hooked the fish did the Neil Hickey (VT) thing and broke them both off!) It's not unusual to catch a halibut like it was before the new millennium. After the year of 2002, we started catching them on a regular basis. Before that time if we caught one or two halibut a year it was amazing. Now, if we don't catch twenty halibut a year we wonder what we are doing wrong. I'm not sure if Dave ever fished with me before the 2023 fishing season. But during the 2023 fishing season, he fished with us on a regular basis. An excellent angler, Dave was most frequently seen on the marathon trips. This season, Dave started fishing a marathon a week with me. And he has caught some great fish, some species and size that he has never caught before. Of course, this pleases me to no end. It's the job I try to do every day when taking people deep sea fishing. If we ever get this engine repaired (The Bunny Clark has been down from August 19 through August 29), I would like to continue doing so, the one thing I am most passionate about. Special fish like Dave's are the kind of fish we like to see on caught on the Bunny Clark .

Captain Tim Tower text & photo - unless otherwise noted

For information and reservations, telephone: 207-646-2214

For information and reservations:

Call: Bunny Clark, Corp. at - 207-646-2214
Write (Mailing Address): Tim Tower, P.O. Box 837F, Ogunquit, Maine 03907-0837
GPS Location to the dock: 70 Perkins Cove Road, Ogunquit, Maine 03907
Email Address (click here): bunnyclarkdsf@gmail.com

Schedule & Rates

Information & Boat Rules

For a Link To Our Favorite Restaurants, Please Click To Visit:
Barnacle Billy's and Barnacle Billy's etc.

Ogunquit, Maine.

Parts of all these Bunny Clark, Corp. web pages and, indeed, most of the innovations, means to ideas and tons of help came from Chamber Works, Inc. All rights reserved. If anybody in the world is interested in the internet, web pages or ideas for computer displays, kiosks and advertising, these are the companies to go with. Bank on it, baby! Best Fishes, Tim Tower.